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FEBRUARY 8, 2024

Prayers are needed for George and Jean Weiss has they recover from Covid.  George remains in the hospital.

Continued prayers for Lori B.


FEBRUARY 1, 2024

Prayers are needed for Jean Weiss. She is in the hospital with Covid.

Praise for Sorenson's son-in-law, Sean, his back surgery was a success and he is at home.

Prayers for Lori B. as she continues treatments.

JANUARY 25, 2024

Prayers for guidance for doctors and healing for ChrisManthei as he undergoes shoulder surgery.

Jean Weiss' friend, Kimberly, took a fall. She has a severe concussion and brain swelling. She is now at home, but would appreciate prayers of healing.

Prayers for Sorenson's son-in-law, Sean, as he is about to undergo back surgery.

Dennis, Keith Sorenson's brother, is asking for prayers to help with the side effects of cancer treatments.

Continued prayers for Lori Badtke as she continues chemo and radiation treatments.

Worship Service